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  5. How to Import Data From Text File Using MySQL Query

How to Import Data From Text File Using MySQL Query

If you need to import data from text file (.txt, .csv, …) to a database table, you should use LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE instead of LOAD DATA INFILE.

For example:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/cpaneluser/data.txt' INTO TABLE Data;

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘file-path‘ INTO TABLE table-name;

You need to upload the text file to your hosting account and then add the path to the query.

Note: Line terminators can differ depending on the operation system where the file has been created.

In Linux a newline is signified with the following characters: \n

In Windows a newline might be signified with \r\n or only \r (WordPad).

You need to know that difference if you need to specify newlines in your SQL import query.

For example:


If the text file is created on Windows OS, you might have to use LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\r\n’ as a line terminator.

Updated on 02.04.2022

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