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Transfer Services to Another/New Customer Profile

Transfer Services to Another/New Customer Profile

Transfer Services

When you need to transfer some of the hosting services to another/new customer profile you first have to start the procedure for service transfer. You can do this by going to your customer profile in SuperHosting.BG -> My Profile. “My Profile“.

After you access your profile, select the Transfer Services menu and then to Another (New) Customer Profile.

Afterwards, a list with the available services will be displayed. Select the respective service and click Continue.

Select the respective service and click Continue

Note: If there are no services to be transferred, please contact our Support Team.

You will see the next step Recipient Data:

Enter details for the recipient to whom the specified services will be transferred

Enter details for the recipient (1) to whom the specified services will be transferred. If the customer profile still does not exist, you will see an option for language setup (2). You will receive an email notification confirming the service transfer in the selected language. In case you have to enter company data (!) select Yes, I’ll enter Company information. Click on Continue to go to the last step:

This is the last step of your transfer request

You will need to accept our policy (!) by ticking the box below and click on Continue.

This is the last step of your transfer request.

The person into whose profile the services will be transferred will receive an email to confirm that he agrees with the transfer procedure.

After both confirmations are received the transfer procedure usually takes up to 2 business days. Email notifications are sent after services have been successfully transferred.

Important: After service transfer and profile merging, the transferred services will be protected for a 14 day period. This means that during this period you will not be able to transfer them into another customer profile, migrate them or modify the domain contact data. Service protection does not have any impact on their other functions.

Merge Profiles

This page allows all services in a customer profile to be transferred into another profile from our system. All payments, invoices and company details in relation to the services will be automatically transferred as well. Afterwards the current profile will be canceled automatically.

To merge a profile, select Transfer of Services section and then Merge Profiles menu. The system will load the following page:

Merge Profiles

Fill in the customer profile email where you would like to transfer all services. Click on the Continue button. The following screen will appear:


You will need to accept our policy, tick the box below and then click on Continue.

You will receive a notification with a confirmation link at the email address where all services will be transferred.

The procedure for profile merging usually takes from up to 2 business days after both confirmations are received.

Service transfer and profile merging requests are considered official requests for transferring ownership over the services included in them. After the procedure is completed by SuperHosting.BG, the previous owner/administrator will no longer have ownership over the service as well as access to administrating and managing the services.

By merging profiles all verified additional emails are also moved to the new customer profile. Make sure you check and update your email addresses before initiating the procedure. You can check them by going to your customer profile – Edit profile menu -> Additional email addresses.

Important: After service transfer and profile merging, the transferred services will be protected for a 14 day period. This means that during this period you will not be able to transfer them into another customer profile, migrate them or modify the domain contact data. Service protection does not have any impact on their other functions.

Updated on 15.11.2021
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